
Teaching by Numbers is a must read for current and future teachers!

  • It is so relatable because of what we are experiencing today in the educational system. 
  • It gives insight into how the ideas of standards and accountability came about.
  • It provides the background, or transformation, that has placed our educational system in its current state, a numbers game.
  • It brings to light the vocabulary used to describe education and the ramifications for students who are being taught in order to contribute to a global economy.
  • It takes a hard stance against the proliferative use of high-stakes testing in measuring success on accountability and standards.


 Teaching by Numbers should be read by all stakeholders, including parents, administrators, and policy makers.

  • It offers some perspective on what is happening in public schools currently.
  • It discusses sensitive issues that are written in a professional way by someone who has teachers and students best interests at heart.
  • It explains how the influence of the business world has made education a commercial entity and investment opportunity.
  • It brings awareness to the educational crisis and who is responsible for the audit culture in which children are being taught.